Section 1 - What Do We Do with Your Information?

When you make a purchase from their store, they collect the personal information you provide, such as your name, address, and email address. They also receive your computer's IP address, which helps them understand your browser and operating system. If you give your permission, they may send you emails about their store, new products, and other updates.

Section 2 - Consent

This section discusses how your consent is obtained. If you provide personal information for a specific reason (like making a purchase), it's assumed that you're okay with it being used for that purpose. If they want to use your info for anything else, they'll ask for your explicit permission. If you've given consent and then change your mind, you can withdraw it at any time by contacting them.

Section 3 - Disclosure

This section says that they might disclose your personal information if they have to by law, or if you violate the Terms of Service.

Section 4 - Shopify

Their store is hosted on Shopify. This means that your data is stored on Shopify's secure servers. If you make a payment directly on their site, Shopify stores and encrypts your credit card data. After your purchase is complete, the transaction data is deleted.

Section 5 - Third-Party Services

Sometimes third-party providers are used. These providers will only use your information to provide their services. But remember, their privacy policies might be different. Also, if these providers are based in a different country, your information may be subject to the laws of that country.

Section 6 - Security

They take steps to make sure your personal information is protected from being lost, misused, accessed without permission, disclosed, altered, or destroyed. They use encryption and other security measures to protect your data.

Section 7 - Age of Consent

By using this site, you're confirming that you are old enough (at least the age of majority in your area) to do so. If you're a minor, you confirm that you have gotten consent from a parent or guardian.

Section 8 - Changes to This Privacy Policy

They can change the privacy policy whenever they want, but they'll let you know if they do. If the store is bought or merges with another company, your information might be transferred to the new owners.

Questions & Contact Information

If you have any questions, need to correct or delete your information, or want to make a complaint, you can contact our Privacy Compliance Officer at